Monday 3 March 2008

Week 9

After a weeks break it all feels much better and I'm really enjoying messing about with the layout and such. Now I just have to write my project report.

Week 8 - Feed up

Very tierd of all this cuting and pasting. I'm taking a break!

Week 7 - Thursday

Have decided to include all the results. Won't be boring since you are not meant to read it all, instead just look up the section that conserns you! Now I just need to decide how to group them.

Decided to group answers by area:


and then have question 19 on its own under "Student comments" since thats the bit "Is there anything you'd like to add?"

Week 7 - Tuesday

Busy busy bee at the moment try to work out how best to display the results. I'm afraid including all the results will make it really boring.

Week 6

I feel bad for not having writen all of my logbook notes into the blog as I had planned but I'll have to do that later. At the moment I' way to busy catching up on all the stuff my class missed while we were on our class trip to Lithuania. It was really great, we really bonded as a group and we saw some cool museums etc.

Week 4

Christmas is now officially over! :(
So I've started compilling the results from my survey. It's really fun reading what people have written! I really hope people find their answers as helpful and interesting as I have.

Week 50

That last couple of weeks anwers have been droping in. In the mean time I have been sketching on several suggestions for the broscher. Since I am not doing the website I'm not in as much of a hurry. Therefore I have decided to wait as long as possible with compilling the restults of my survey, so as to get as many replies as possible.

So now I'm taking an early xmas break!
Merry Christmas

Week 47

As email continued to drop in I started rethinking my website idéa.

Andreas in my project group was making a website for his project work and as he explained about it I realised how much work it was and just how complex it was. After understanding that my plan would not work I started looking for other options. I found that a PDF broscher would do the job just as well but reduce the problems and the work load a great deal. So after talking to my project group I decided that that would be my sollution.
Some more high teck friends of mine explained how to turn a word document into pdf, so now I was set to go.

Week 46

To my great happiness emails started dropping in! I also set upp a group on facebook with my survey asking former kungsholmen student to join and answer it. After inviting all the ex kungsholmare I know I also messages a few friends asking them to spread the news on to people they knew.

Week 45

After some well needed rest it was time to get going again! This friday Mia and I went through even more files and found more email addresses. So with my fingers crossed I sent out some more emails.