Monday 25 February 2008


Week 44 I was in Jerusalem on a unforgetable trip with some wounderful people. So no project work, just soul work!


Week 43 was a disapointment not only was I majorly sick, my emails kept bouncing back saying that the delivery failed! However I had my trip to look forward to so I decided to, as Paul McCartney so finely put it, Let it be and wait till after the break to deal with it all.

Week 42

On the friday of week 42 Mia and I went through the old UCAS application archives and collected email addresses of former students that at least applied to go to uni. I also got hold of a number of email addresses to students we know attend swedish unis. After finding them I started sending them my letter and survey.

The silence is broken!

Hi, no I have not died I've just been really bad at adding my logbook entres into the blog. For this I apologise and hereby mark the start of oparation UPDATE. It is currently week 9 and my last entry was week 41, so after a short intermission I will start with what happend in week 42.

Over and out.
Captain Smith